SRINAGAR, JUNE 08: In compliance with the plan of Action formulated by J&K Legal Services Authority, U.T of J&K, the District Legal Services Authorities of all the districts of Kashmir Saturday organized a Special Lok Adalat on Traffic Challans and Electricity Bills.
The said Lok Adalat was held under the insightful directions of Hon’ble Justice N. Kotiswar Singh, the Chief Justice of High Court of J&K and Ladakh, Patron in Chief JKLSA; Justice Tashi Rabstan, Executive Chairman, J&K LSA.
The main aim of the Special Lok Adalat was to provide a platform for amicable settlement of disputes related to traffic challans and electricity bills, thereby reducing the pendency of cases in courts and promoting speedy justice.
In Srinagar, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Srinagar today organized a Special Lok Adalat on traffic challans and electricity bills under the supervision of Jawad Ahmed, Chairman DLSA Srinagar.
The special Lok Adalat was constituted of Two Benches that took up a total of 11204 cases related to traffic challans and electricity bills for disposal. Out of which 10814 cases were settled amicably and Rs.2,19,200 was awarded as settlement amount resulting in a significant reduction in the pendency of cases.
The Lok Adalat also provided an opportunity to the litigants to settle their disputes in a peaceful and conciliatory manner.
At Ganderbal, the District Legal Services Authority Ganderbal in collaboration with Tehsil Legal Services Committees of Ganderbal and Kangan conducted Lok-Adalat on Traffic Challans and Electricity Bills, here.
The Lok-Adalat was held under the supervision and Chairmanship of Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Chairman DLSA (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Ganderbal, and under the guidance of Nusrat Ali Hakak, Secretary DLSA Ganderbal.
The Lok-Adalat was constituted of 02 benches for the amicable settlement of cases. Overall 156 cases were taken up for settlement out of which 144 cases were amicably settled/compromised on spot. Rs. 3,80,816 was awarded as settlement amount.

At Shopian, a special Lok Adalat was held today within the court premises of District Court Complex Shopian under the Chairmanship of Riaz-Ul-Mirza, Chairman DLSA Shopian.
A total of one Bench was constituted by the DLSA for the said Lok Adalat that took up a total of 29 cases, out of which 26 cases were settled amicably and an amount Rs.1,07,150 was realized as settlement amount.

At Kupwara, a Special Lok Adalat on Traffic Challans and Electricity Bills was organized across District Kupwara today. The said Lok Adalat was held under the supervision of Chairperson, DLSA, (Pr. District & Session Judge) Kupwara, Shazia Tabasum and guidance of Secretary, DLSA Kupwara, Manzoor Ahmad Khan.

On the occasion, 5 Benches were constituted that took up a total of 532 cases, of which 509 cases were disposed-off as settled on spot by intervention of the benches and by participation of the lawyers and litigants.
A total sum of Rs. 1886200 was awarded to the aggrieved parties by settlement during the said Lok Adalat.